Genetic Characteristics of Aldosterone-Producing Adenomas in Blacks
Greater Blood Pressure Variability Is Associated With Lower Cognitive Performance
Potassium: poison or panacea in chronic kidney disease?
The Lancet
The New England Journal of Medicine
Marine n-3 fatty acids and prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer
JE Manson, NR Cook, IM Lee. New Engl J Med 2019; 380: 23-32
The Lancet
British Medical Journal
British Medical Journal
British Medical Journal
High blood pressure in coronary artery disease: when to start treating and what to target? Eur Heart J, European Heart Journal (2018) 0, 1–3
The New England Journal of Medicine
Smoky cessation , weight change , type 2 diabetes and mortality
Y Hu, G Zong, G liu
New Engl J Med 2018; 379: 623-32
Risk factors , mortality and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes
A Rawshani, H Rawshani, S Franzen
New Engl J Med 2018; 379:633-44
The Lancet
Effect of aspirin on risks of vascular events and cancer according to body weigth and dose: analysis of individual patients data from randomised trials
PM Rothwell, NR Cook, JM Gaziano
Lancet 2018; 392: 387-94
Urinary sodium excretion , blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and mortality: a community-level prospective epidemiological cohort study
A Mente, M O’Donnell, S Rangarajan
Lancet 2018; 392:496-506
Non-invasive detection of coronary inflamation using computed tomography and prediction of residual cardiovascular risk (the CRISP CT study): a post -hoc analysis of prospective outcome data
EK Oikonomou, M Marewan, NY Desai
Lancet 2018; 392: 929-39
Journal of Hypertension
Increased risk of cognitive impairment and more severe brain lesions in hypertensive compared to non‐hypertensive patients with cerebral small vessel disease
Aleksandra M. Pavlovic, Tatjana Pekmezovic, Jasna Zidverc Trajkovic, Gordana Tomic, Edita Cvitan, Nada Sternic
J Clin Hypertens. 2018;20:1260–1265.
British Medical Journal
The Journal of Clinical Hypertension
Home blood pressure monitoring in the 21st century
Revista Hypertension
Revista NDT
Glycated albumin and blood sugar control in advanced chronic kidney disease
The New England Journal of Medicine
Clopidrogel and aspirin in acute aschemic strocke and high-risk TIA
The Lancet
Journal of Hypertensión
Insights and implications of new blood pressure guidelines in children and adolescents
Journal of Hypertensión
Management of Bleeding in Patients Taking Oral Anticoagulants
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in 2018
Hypertension Management in Barbershops
Framingham at 70: What We’ve Learned About Women and Heart Disease
Revista Hypertension
Blood Pressure Measurement and Hypertension Diagnosis in the 2017 US Guidelines. First Things First
Treatment Thresholds and Targets in Hypertension. Different Readings of the Same Evidence?
Nocturnal Hypertension. New Technology and Evidence.
Blood Pressure Management. Beyond the Guidelines
Revista NDT
The Journal of Clinical Hypertension
The impact of fixed‐dose combination versus free‐equivalent combination therapies on adherence
Journal of Hypertensión
Blood pressure variability and kidney disease: another vicious circle?
Fibrates in hypertension: where do we stand?
The New England Journal of Medicine
Multiplicity Considerations in Clinical Trials
The Lancet
Guidelines for Adult Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery
Estimated 24-Hour Urinary Sodium and Potassium Excretion in US Adults
Measurements of 24-Hour Urinary Sodium and Potassium Excretion. Importance and Implications.
Association of Solid Fuel Use With Risk of Cardiovascular and All-Cause Mortality in Rural China
Journal of Clinical Hypertensión
Hypertension and frailty in older adults
Journal of Hypertensión
Sex differences in hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases
Revista Hypertension
Revista NDT
Hypercalcemia: etiology and management
The New England Journal of Medicine
Cardiovasccular safety of febuxostat or allopurinol in patients with gout
Relationship between clinic and ambulatory blood-pressure measurements and mortality
The Lancet
The Journal of Clinical Hypertension
Journal of Hypertensión
Association between common carotid artery diameter and target organ damage in essential hypertension
Revista Hypertension
Blood Pressure Profile 1 Year After Severe Preeclampsia
Revista NDT
Pro: The rationale for dietary therapy for patients with advanced chronic kidney disease
The New England Journal of Medicine
Redefining Hypertension — Assessing the New Blood-Pressure Guidelines
Initial Treatment of Hypertension
The Lancet
Journal of Hypertension
Blood pressure targets in the elderly
Blood pressure variability in individuals with and without (pre)diabetes: The Maastricht Study
Journal of Hypertension
Blood pressure targets in the elderly
Blood pressure variability in individuals with and without (pre)diabetes: The Maastricht Study
The Journal of Clinical Hypertension
Revista Hypertension
Aging and Adrenal Aldosterone Production
Prevalence of Hypertensive Phenotypes After Preeclampsia A Prospective Cohort Study
Revista NDT
Strategies to manage cardiovascular risk in chronic kidney disease
Journal of Hypertensión
Metabolic syndrome and subclinical carotid damage: a meta-analysis from population-based studies